Radiation-Hardened By Design (RHBD)

ZES’ offers IP Licencing & Design Services:


RHBD techniques are scalable to different technology nodes, and design optimization is possible to trade-off different parameters, including radiation hardness, power, delay, and area.


  • Library cells are hardened by using ZES patent technologies – virtually error-free under proton
  • Memory is hardened at architecture in Triple-Modular-Redundancy (TMR)
  • Error-detection-and-Correction (EDAC) code is available, further detecting/correcting memories




Contact ZES for more information



ZES offers IC design services using extensive IP portfolio in Analog & Digital Semiconductors for high-reliability solutions and Data-integrity for applications including Autonomous Vehicles (ADAS, LiDAR), Power Management, Fault-detection in circuits using Machine Learning, etc.,



Contact ZES for more information