Micro-SEL Detection: Key to Protecting COTS

NASA coined the term “Micro-SEL” to describe low-current Single-Event Latchups in electronic components. Micro-SEL Detection is crucial for safeguarding COTS components against radiation-induced damage. This technology identifies and mitigates these microscopic latch-ups, which, if left unchecked, can accumulate over time and significantly degrade device performance.


By implementing Micro-SEL Detection, manufacturers can enhance the radiation hardness of standard components, making them suitable for space and other high-radiation applications.




“For completeness, the only solution today to detect μ-SELs is a recently reported ‘smart’ LCL – the Latchup Detection and Protection (LDAP) IC. The LDAP IC offers an innovative analog means to consistently detect μ-SELs and SELs by uniquely and intelligently monitoring the transients and other parameters pertaining to the rising current due to μ- SELs and SELs.”


IEEE Trans. Nuclear Science:  Professor Joseph S. Chang, ZES Founder and Senior Member of IEEE



Zero-Error Systems (ZES) has developed a cutting-edge, radiation-hardened Latchup Detection and Protection (LDAP) IC that offers superior protection for COTS devices by detecting and responding to Single Event Latch-ups (SELs) much faster than traditional current limiters.


Unlike conventional LCLs that rely on a fixed current threshold, ZES’ LDAP intelligently senses the SEL current signature in real-time and triggers a power cycle within just 5μs, regardless of load conditions. This ensures that SEL currents are mitigated well before they reach damaging levels, thereby preventing false triggers and reducing the risk of component failure.


With flight legacy in three satellites, ZES’ LDAP technology not only enhances SEL detection and protection but also significantly extends the operational life and performance of satellites, offering a major advantage to service providers and satellite operators